Dec 8, 2014

Grandpapa's Bolognese

This bolognese recipe has been passed down by my grandpapa, it's the most delicious warming meal ever and perfect when you need a little pick me up. Pair it with penne, macaroni, spaghetti or any type of pasta (or honestly just eat it by it's self...)
recipe follows 

2 Onions 
2 Cans diced tomatoes (or crushed)
Red wine

the measurements of this are are not specific but you can just go by your taste buds 
chop the onions and garlic, add to a sauce pan with olive oil until onions are browned 
add chopped celery and the cans of tomato 
sautee for around 5 minutes
add oregano, thyme, and red wine
place lid on pot, reduce to simmer and let sit for around 30 min 

you can either leave it chunky or blend into a smooth sauce - its better when you can taste the veggies. pour on to your fav pasta and enjoy
* can be stored in the fridge for 3 days and in freezer for weeks 

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