Jan 26, 2015

Raspberry maca bites

When ever I'm looking at raw vegan recipes they always seem to have cashews, and I find these way too heavy and not great for the stomach I wanted to come up with something that could still be creamy and frozen but without cashews as a base.
recipe follows 
for the base 

1 cup almonds
handful pecans
3 dates
1 tablespoon maple syrup
½ tablespoon almond milk

 For the top layer 
1 cup frozen raspberries
½ cup coco butter
1 tablespoon maple syrup
1 tablespoon peanut butter
1 tablespoon almond milk 

To make the base simply process all the ingredients in a food processor except for the almond milk
once it has turned into a type of crumble pour into a baking dish and mix in the almond milk to make more sticky, 
press down to make one whole layer 

For the top layer mix all ingredients again except for the almond milk in the food processor 

then transfer to a blender and add almond milk 
blend until a creamy consistency
pour over the crumble and place the whole thing in the freezer
garnish with pistachios and coco flakes 
keeps in the freezer for up to a week   

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